Sunday, April 19, 2009


Although this looks bad - it really is much better than it was a week ago. Bill came home after 6 days in the hospital, Friday night. This is a form of streptacaccus (hemo something - meaning blood) Haven't been able to find the exact diagnosis information on the internet yet but I'm just glad it is healing. The initial infection was through 3 small scrapes on his shin, the worst part is what you can see in the photo. You can see the pen marks on his leg where the infection expanded each time we went to urgent care. So almost 2 weeks later, this is what Bill is dealing with. Yech! We are still gloving up to do wound care. Bill has two more weeks in bed with his leg up, no driving and no stairs! He is really looking forward to it - NOT.

Hope everyone had a great Easter and is happy and healthy!


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