Friday, September 11, 2009

Finally taking a digital photography class!

I've started an on-line digital photography class this week. My first lesson was Shutter Speeds - nothing like diving into the deep end. I took 89 photos and was happy with about 5 of them! Thank goodness for digital, because practicing with prints would get expensive quickly.

Here are my retouched photos of fast (freezes action) shutter speedand slow (blurs action )shutter speed But . . . here is my favorite photo of the day!
Can you tell it was sunny and in the 80's today?


Julia said...

Great pictures! Enjoy your digital photography class... I don't mess around with aperture and shutter speed on all, or even most of my shots, but when I want a certain look, I love knowing how to get it SOOC. Your DSLR will become the love of your electronic life very soon :-)

Jessica Marie said...

Love the pictures and I hope you enjoy the class you are taking. I may have to do that when I'm done working at the theatre. I hope to have more time to work on photos! I love your blog too! Can't wait to see more photos! :)