Well, we seem to be ending the year as couch potatoes. I've had to threaten William to get him to read his book for English. With only a few days until he returns from break, not much has been accomplished. Well, that isn't true, he has mastered several games and watched a lot of old movies. This is pretty much the state of William for the last week and we have contributed by allowing him to sleep in until noon and lounge on the couch with remote in hand. We finally took control of the remote last night in order to watch a couple episodes of House.

Not to be outdone, and loving the fact that so many warm bodies are permanently affixed to the couch, Hy has been enjoying the snuggle factor and having people home.
The tree was up for exactly 2 weeks and came down yesterday. Everything is stowed away until next year. We had a good week and look forward to 2008.