Well, we did receive the freezing rain as promised, during the night. I've cranked up the pellet stove this morning as there is a layer of ice built up on the sliding glass door!

It does make the trees look pretty, but the weight of the snow and ice on trees with leaves is pretty high right now. Looks like we will be fine. Glad the tree from next door came out last Saturday.
I saw the snow plow out on Franklin this morning but it didn't seem like they were scraping or sanding, not sure what the point was?! My cars are encased in a layer of ice - looks very strange.
Hy went bounding out the door this morning and his legs went in all directions, he turned and looked at me like I had played a cruel joke on him. He immediately came back to the porch and sat there. Had to clear a path to the yard and lead the way! He is happy wrapping up in a blanket on the couch and watching the cats outside!
From weather reports we have warmed to a balmy 34 degrees. But I don't really see anything melting. Maybe as the crazy people, "who just have to be somewhere", get out and about - the street will look better. For now they are just ice or thick with snow and a layer of ice on top.