The week started slow but got a real bang on Wednesday . . .
William took the dog to Tapiola and lost his razor phone along the way. He quickly turned around and started searching for the phone but to no avail. Bill and Liz helped search once they heard the news, but no razor to be found.

Off to AT&T store to freeze the acount.
William ended that day by stepping off the side of his ankle a bit and dropping off his skateboard, thereby hurting his foot and wrist when he fell. 2 days on the couch with that problem - and without texting!
Thursday came home to a wheezy dog who was drooling goop out of the right side of his mouth. Couldn't figure out what the problem was but he was drinking but didn't eat lunch. By about 10pm, dog was obviously not well, so stayed up all night while Hy restlessly tried to sleep and breath normally. Bill took Hy in to see Dr. Goza this morning and found that Hy had to have a surgery for an abcess (what we originally thought would be a tooth). By noon, our youngest boy was out of the hospital and feeling much better. The abcess was under his tongue and the swelling caused his tongue to press against his windpipe - thereby his trouble breathing normally. He will be on antibiotics for a couple weeks and pain medicine for a couple days. You can tell he feels much better tonight.
Ending on a positive note - there are good folks out there! Bill received a call from Radio Shack in Warrenton, someone found William's phone and brought it there to see if they could determine who's it was. Bill went to retrieve and reactivate the phone. It may have been run over but still works fine. Our faith is restored that there are still honest folks out there that do the right thing. Bill brought the phone home and told William that he would have to call him after the game tonight - to which you could see William's fallen look as he realized he didn't have his phone - mean dad! The Bill handed Will the razor and said "you better make sure this thing is fully charged - I'm not accepting that the battery is dead as an excuse!" Will was extremely happy! Test messages are flooding in (I can't even imagine after 2 days what the backlog must look like!)
Hope you week ended as well as ours did!