Has it really been 15 years? Bill and I celebrate 15 years of wedded bliss today. Doesn't seem that long to me.
We will be going out to dinner Saturday night. William will be snowboarding that day and we don't have to meet the bus until midnight!
Father and son are working on this project together. It is a good thing . . .
We received a very nice letter from William's science teacher today recommending William for a week long Science Camp in Coravallis this summer. We have to apply and he has to write a 250 word essay to accompany the application along with recommendations from his science and mathematics teachers. If he is chosen, it is a fully paid slot for the camp! I for one am very excited and jealous - where was this deal when I was in middle school?! We are very excited (and yes proud) that William's science teacher feels he has the potential and drive to be one of the applicants to go to this camp. At first he wasn't too gung ho, but I think my excitement rubbed off. He wants to know a little bit more about the camp now . . . and that is the first step!
Well, I hope everyone had a great V-Day! Don't eat too much chocolate and from our family to yours XXX OOO
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