Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pier Park

We went to Portland yesterday to get the scooter! On the way home we stopped at a fairly new (Oct 07) Dreamworks park off the St John's bridge. The Pier Park skatepark is pretty cool. Three separate bowl areas and a grinding/trick area. The deepest bowl has a full pipe. Pretty cool with a 11 1/2 " drop in at one end and a 9 1/2 ' exit at the other end. William dropped in at the 11 1/2' end and popped out on the other side but lost the grip on his board which slid back into the bowl. He had to go in to get his board and had a hard time getting back out - there is a ramp but you have to get a running start just to hit the hand holds (someone finally helped him by grabbing his board so he didn't have to climb and manuever the board). He decided that bowl was too much work!
The park is in a pretty industrial area of Portland and was a different experience with nobody wearing helmets and the only person with pads was a 50 year old man! Here is William in one of the bowls (sans helmet)! It is funny how he can blend in and start chatting with others so easily at almost every park.

We also stopped at the St Helen's skatepark on the way home. Seems like a brand new area with bikers and skaters. Pretty nice trick areas and nice bowl transitions.

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