Saturday, October 17, 2009

Astoria weather . . .

Yesterday we had this beautiful sunrise. I took a photo (on auto so I could figure out the settings) and when I went to switch to manual, the sunrays were gone. The sky was still beautiful but not nearly so striking as when the rays peaked through the clouds. Honest, I didn't touch the colors on this at all!

Trying to get my final assignment done for class. It has been challenging with the rain. The fog has been cool but getting the picture just right has been a challenge for me. The next photo, I like but I did need to pop the color up in photoshop. At least the instructor told me that fog was challenging and that you probably would have to pop the color up in photoediting!

1 comment:

Jessica Marie said...

I LOVE the colors of the first photo! Your pictures sure describe Astoria very well! :)