Monday, November 9, 2009

It's Official . . .

4 missed questions (that's an 89% out of 80% needed) and $ 30 later . . . William has his learners permit. His color, permanent license will arrive via mail in about a week.

We went out driving for 1.5 hours tonight. He did very well in the rain and dealt with the lighting changes very well. He is calm, the jury is still out on mom . . .
I took this picture with my new 50mm lens to get the depth of field - there really is no missing the smile (on the license or his face in the background!).

1 comment:

Debra said...

How cool....he looks so thrilled! I just hope you look just as thrilled after each driving lesson. *chuckle* I remember having some white knuckles and holding my breath a few times, when my daughter was learning to drive. My son on the other hand was a real good driver fortunately. :)