Sunday, November 29, 2009

Messing with the camera

I still find that the indoor shots are the toughest for me.  Of course the dog and my son never really cooperate.  If I keep practicing, maybe I'll get better at the settings.

Here are a couple of shots that I was practicing the basics with (once again):

focus on the first shot is the checkbook, second shot on the Easy Button and final shot is the white door.

Shots are still a bit dark but not too bad on manual.  Can't get my shutter speed this weekend.  Need to work through my lessons again, seem to have forgotten a basic component somewhere along the line.  I'm going to refresh my memory.

1 comment:

Debra said...

Susan, way to go on your indoor shots, you did great! I know exactly what you mean...I'm still having trouble with getting enough lighting indoors on manual too. I feel like I've forgotten some things also and need to go back over the lessons. It's so hard to remember everything!!!