Bill asked me to take some photos for his publication, yesterday. I was nervous and flattered. Here are a few of the before and afters.
Before picture (straight out of the camera)
I thought I did a pretty good job - manual settings, compensating for glass garage door and sunny day (it happens occasionally) and shiny cars!

Here is after
Photoshop enhanced, this shows the color of the MACH I much better. This happens to be Mark's car which he restored.
I do believe that Bill has found the perfect mechanic!
The goal was to get a great "Footprint" publication picture. We have a couple contenders:
This is the before picture
. . . and after
The guys set up a nice selection of Red, White and Blue American made cars (two Corvettes, MACH I and a Couger). Nice!
Here is the photo SOTC (Straight out of the Camera). I think I did a decent job on this one for my camera settings as well as composing the shot.
I think that this one is the winner! I cropped it in, so you really see the footprint first, Mark is in focus and the footprint is slightly out of focus. Popped up the colors and adjusted the lighting a little bit.