Friday, February 5, 2010

Concert Last Night!

Last night was a little crazy as William had driver's ed until 6:45pm, a golf meeting that started at 6:00pm and a concert at 7:00pm.  Dad and I split forces to cover it all but thankfully the golf meeting ended a little before 8:00pm and I just made it into the auditorium before William's first performanced with the 5 member ensemble.  They did a great job!  William then had a second performance with his instructor Angela Calvin - Dad and I were blown away.  They played the Canon in D by Pachelbel (which you may be hearing if you have your sound on - this is a professional recording of the Canon, not William and Ms Calvin).  This is a popular wedding song, very lively and about 5 minutes long, so there is some stamina involved.  We were very proud of William's performance!  He practices after school and plays with the North Oregon Coast Symphony, so we don't hear him playing a bunch.  The level of his play increases so much between the performances we get to see him at and it really is amazing how much changes in a few short months.

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