Will is already sick of me taking pictures. I had an Ah Ha moment with my camera today. Now he is off with his buddies and I want to take more photos. I'll just have to be patient! I finally have a portrait photo that turned out! This is Straight Out of the Camera (SOOC) except for removing the color!

This is Will and Brian playing hackeysack - note the ball is in mid-air almost exactly between them.
Susan, these are great...you're doing so good! That closeup is awesome!!! You must be enjoying your class and congrats on the ahh ha moment. :)
Thanks Debra! We didn't shoot the first week, that was a bit of a bummer. I couldn't figure out why my settings weren't working right - I wasn't hitting the aperture button on the back of my camera and was only changing the shutter speed (all this time I've pretty much been in the same Fstop and just adjusting my shutter speed to line get my metering better). Anyway, I think I've finally got the missing piece - I knew it when we took the class but forgot it somewhere along the way.
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